Metastrike partnership with Altura for Smart NFTs infrastructure

3 min readMar 4, 2022

No words can describe this !! We’re excited to announce that Metastrike — the first FPS blockchain shooting game — has a partnership with Altura. The partnership between Altura and Metastrike is mainly based on our shared long-term vision to bring the benefit of staking and INO to the GameFI world. Therefore, this collaboration will strengthen our partnership and promote Metastrike’s position in the GameFi network.

Altura is Altura provides the infrastructure for the future of in-game items, digital assets, and The Metaverse. Altura provides the tools and infrastructure for developers to create and integrate Smart NFTs in their video games and applications. With Altura, developers can program dynamic functionality in their NFTs. Especially, Smart NFTs:

Imagine a video game sword that gets stronger every time it is used to slay a monster. Smart NFTs have properties that can change based on certain conditions.


Events that Metastrike will combine with Altura

Initially, Metastrike will work with Altura to have Partnership announcements for each other. Both MetaStrike & Altura will help promote each other (when needed) related to the partnership.

Additionally, Metastrike and Altura will explore the GameFi Web 3.0 world as Metastrike will use Altura’s Smart NFTs infrastructure to help power MetaStrike NFT infrastructure. Include:

  1. The technology provided by Altura NFT will be allowed to be used freely by Metastrike.
  2. Altura will provide technical support to MetaStrike when needed to resolve issues and benefit Metastrike’s technical development on Altura NFTs technology.
  3. A custom page can be made for MetaStrike on Altura’s marketplace. Another agreement must occur to proceed on the terms of the custom page.

Last but not least. This collaboration comes with a lot of potential benefits for our NFT presale that an Initial NFT Offering is coming soon! Please follow our social channels to receive the latest information.

Within this partnership, we at Altura are looking to best support the interests and development of the MetaStrike platform through our technology offering with Metastrike — a blockchain-based VR and role-playing first-person shooter game taking place in the Metaverse!!

-Altura team-

About Altura

Altura provides the tools and infrastructure for developers to create and integrate Smart NFTs in their video games and applications. With Altura, developers can program dynamic functionality in their NFTs

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About Metastrike

Metastrike is an FPS Multiplayer Blockchain Game project that includes many essential and advanced features of a shooting game, with modern gameplay and high effort investment in both visuals and gameplay.

Dive into a game world designed after the success of CSGO and Call of Duty. Players can satisfy their carrying level like a Smurf! The game is learned from other FPS predecessors, the maps, items, and guns are designed in a highly balanced form suitable for go-pro players.

In addition, because it is a blockchain game, players can trade items On-Chain, with a variety of guns and constantly updated. This is extremely useful for veteran gamers in trading items or guns like traditional games but completely transparent and stable thanks to blockchain technology. Surely limited AWM guns will be very popular in the NFT marketplace and sold from chain to chain by high-class snipers!

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A blockchain-based, role-playing, first person shooter, metaverse* game built on #UnrealEngine